[osg-users] osg::Switch node can't free memory

John Lee 357059570 at qq.com
Tue May 31 18:20:09 PDT 2016

robertosfield wrote:
> Hi John,
> On 30 May 2016 at 10:02, John Lee <> wrote:
> > It helps me. Now I load a lot of models in my scene, and each model is a scene node in the scene graph. Is there any method that i can decrease memory usage?
> > 
> Yes.
> That's a precise as I can answer at this stage. because you question
> is completely open ended.
> You really need to tell us what on earth you are trying to achieve in
> your application as how best to minimize memory usage depends TOTALLY
> on the type of application your are developing, the type of data you
> have and the target hardware.  We know nothing about this.
> Robert.
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Hi Robert

    I am so sorry. In my appliction, I can load a lot of ive models dynamically. When i load about 120 ive models, the memory usage is about 2.5G, and the frame rate about 25-35. Now I want to minimize  the memory usage to optimize my application because the camra can't see all objects. Now i don't know how to begin.
    I don't know whether you understand. Thank you for your reading and answer.


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