[osg-users] Windows 8.1 DPI-aware scaling: Problem and solution

Björn Blissing bjorn.blissing at vti.se
Tue May 17 08:04:16 PDT 2016

Hi Paul,

Regarding the error when you are trying to run the script: I suspect that you have another name for your build target then TARGET_TARGETNAME. This is only a variable name that I use for my build target names. Yours is probably something completely different. Check your what the first variable in ADD_EXECUTABLE or ADD_LIBRARY in your CMake script and use that variable instead of TARGET_TARGETNAME.

Regarding your second question: The script is complete, when you are amending manifests to DLL files you need to change the characters #1 to #2 in the script. 

I have updated my gist comment to reflect this:

Hope that solves your issues.


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