[osg-users] glClearBufferData function support

Sebastian Messerschmidt sebastian.messerschmidt at gmx.de
Tue May 17 01:18:03 PDT 2016

Hi Robert, Luca

There is the BufferObject/GLBufferObject class. So maybe clearing the 
buffer data could be a member function of the BufferOject base class.

> On 17 May 2016 at 07:59, Luca Bianconi <lucabianco92 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is the opengl 4.3 function glClearBufferData supported by osg? If yes how can i use it? If no, is there a way to use it?
> Just done a greap of OSG master and it doesn't have glClearBufferData
> so the answer for now is no.
> Implementing in your own local code you could use a draw callback,
> such as an osg::Camara pre/post DrawCallback.   The other approach
> would be to add the function entry point into include/osg/GLExtensions
> and add where it's appropriate to add the call into the OSG to be
> conviniently support it.  I haven't yet looked at the specs of the
> function so can only guess at where it might be supported.  Adding it
> into the core OSG would mean it could be part of the up coming
> OSG-3.6.
> Robert.
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