[osg-users] Object from LUA Script

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Fri May 13 02:20:34 PDT 2016

Hi Matus,

The object passed back is a IntValueObject, see include/osg/ValueObject
header for its definition.

You can cast to this type and then access the Int.

On 12 May 2016 8:50 a.m., "Matus Gabriska" <matus.gabriska at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have problem with extracting value from osg::Object instance returned by
> LuaScriptEngine.
> Here is example of C++ code of running script:
> Code:
> osg::Parameters input;
> osg::Parameters output;
> input.push_back(transformNode);
> _luaScriptEngine->run(_script.get(), _entry, input, output);
> osg::Parameters is vector of osg::Object. After script is done, it
> populates
> output with osg::Object.
> This is LUA Script
> Code:
> function test(node)
> return 1254;
> end
> So in osg::Parameters output is now one osg::Object which contains integer
> value 1234. My question is how can i acces this value?Or somehow cast this
> osg::Object to integer.
> I think its stored in UserData because I printed some nodes in lua script
> and they contained UserData,so I tried object->getUserData() but then i
> stuck.
> Any ideas?
> Thank you.
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