[osg-users] [build] NVTT 3rdParty x64 libs for OSG...

Shayne Tueller shayne.tueller at hill.af.mil
Thu Jun 9 11:47:13 PDT 2016


I was wondering if anyone out there in OSG land has had success building the Nvidea texture tools version 2.0.8 using VS2013 for x64 to use with the nvtt plugin in the OSG.

I've set the NVTT_SHARED=1 so that the libs are built as shared libraries. All libraries compile just fine. However, when I compile and link the nvtt.lib, I get a bunch of linker errors (LNK2019 and LNK2001 unresolved external symbols) dealing with functions found in the nvimage library. I suspect is has something to do with the calling convention __cdecl when the libs are built as shared libs.

When I set NVTT_SHARED=0, all the libs compile and link just fine but then the OSG no longer builds for the obvious reasons when it tries to compile the nvtt-dependent plugin

If anyone can help or suggest something that will result in getting rid of the linker errors, that would be great.


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