[osg-users] Use of getCameraContainingPosition in OSG 3.4.0 (deprecated?)

Rick Irons Rick.Irons at mathworks.com
Wed Jun 8 07:34:19 PDT 2016


We are working on updating an application from OSG 3.0.1 to 3.4.0.  We have previously relied on getCameraContainingPosition() for selection, but now we are noticing that the function is marked as deprecated.  Can someone  identify the deprecation plan for this API?  Is it still safe to use with the understanding that it will not be available in a future release?  Or, should we stop using the function now?  Our efforts to locate information on the deprecation of this API have not been successful.

I am asking since the function is not behaving as expected following our update.  It is not clear if this behavior is due to the function no longer being supported or if some changes on our end are necessary to use the 3.4.0 version of the API.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

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