[osg-users] freetype build support on Windows

Stuart Mentzer osgforum at tevs.eu
Wed Jun 1 03:54:37 PDT 2016


[I know this is more of a build issue but I was asked to bring this here to get a wider swath of OSG experts.]

I am doing Windows builds with VC++ 2015 and latest build from sources of the 3rd party libraries. A few issues with the current freetype lib cause the build to fail and we want to get the right patches to support different versions of freetype. The 2 issues are:

The include path structure doesn't have a freeetype2 directory anymore so the stock FindFreetype.cmake isn't working. In the attached FindFreetype.cmake I just hacked it to work with the new layout but that obviously won't work for the old layout. Does some CMake guru know the right way to do this? Would it work to just drop the OSG custom FindFreetype.cmake and use the CMake one (which seems to have both include/freetype2 and include supported in the latest CMake)?

The debug build doesn't find freetyped.lib because freetyped isn't in the NAMES list. I added freetyped to NAMES but if that isn't the right/safe way to do it it would be helpful to hear a better idea.

Thank you!


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