[osg-users] Best way to cull object hidden by a mountain

Julien Valentin julienvalentin51 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 28 10:36:23 PDT 2016

oups I answer too fast  
try it

mp3butcher wrote:
> try
> ocqn->getQueryStateSet()->setRenderBinDetails(100,"RenderBin",TRANSPARENT_BIN)
> kragnfroll wrote:
> > Ok. Then I've a problem with my occlusionQuery node !
> > 
> > Here is how I tested :
> > - breakpoint in the OcclusionQueryNode::getNumPixels function
> > - configured OQN with a QueryFrameCount of 500 to see occluded node coming 
> > 
> > And the result is :
> > - occlusion working when a node is outside the camera field
> > - not working at all when occluded by textured HeightField when opacity is manager (setRenderingHint TRANSPARENT_BIN)
> > - working when removing the TRANSPARENT_BIN attribute on the heightField
> > 
> > I really need transparency. I think I can understand what is going on : the occlusion Query is made before the HeightField is rendered, even if the node I need to occlude is also in the transparent_bin.
> > 
> > Is there a way to make it work ?

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