[osg-users] Pass an osg::Texture2D to CUDA driver api

Jannik Heller scrawl at baseoftrash.de
Fri Jun 24 09:20:37 PDT 2016

Hi Philipp,

> Also, Im having the issue that my drawCallback is only executed during the first frame and then skipped. Ive disabled culling and depth testing. 

You need to disable display lists on your drawable. With display lists enabled it will only draw once and then use the display list. This makes no sense when using Cuda obviously.

> Does anyone know why that happens? From my understanding, the renderbin number should determine the order of draw (and therefore also of the drawCallback?) operations. 

I think this may also be related to the display list being enabled, the compileGLObjects() that is run in the first frame will compile display lists but not necessarily in the order of the render bins.


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