[osg-users] OpenSceneGraph Travis + Coverity scan up and running

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 07:55:23 PDT 2016

Hi All,

I've spent quite a few hours of the last week or so working getting
the Coverity defect count down.  The latest Scan results are now up:


The average defect rates was 1.2 at the start, but now is down to
0.91.  Still way above the open source average which is below 0.59.

I've cleared up the almost all of the High impact defects, the
remaining ones as they all pertain to the GLU mipmp+tesselation code
that's been integrated into the core osg library for quite a few
years.  The GLU code is C code through and through and far from easy
to follow so I'm very wary about hacking in a "fix" that breaks
something.  Other are welcome to test their programming skills on
these reported defects :-)

I have also begun cleaning up the header and core libraries,  The
headers, osgDB, osgText, osgVolume, osgFX are now have zero reported

In terms of core libraries biggest source of outstanding defects is
now the osgAnimation NodeKit (this has a defect rate of 6.78 per
thousand lines of code), I'm not the author not a user of this Nodekit
so would appreciate osgAnimation users joining in a fixes these

Finally the biggest cause of defect reports by a long long way... our
osgPlugins.  There average defect count is 1.88, but with 131 thousand
lines of code that ends up being 246!  I didn't write the vast
majority of the osgPlugins, this is an area where the community have
contributed the most, so it's also an area where I'm the less
experienced with the code, so making judgements about it is less easy.
I've already fixed *many* defects in the osgPlugins, but I just don't
scale to tackling hundreds of defects on unfamiliar code.

So this is where it would be very very useful to have the community
help out.  If a dozen of us put in a couple of hours a week then I'm
sure we'd have the majority dealt with within a week or two.

My own plan is to concentrate of the core OSG NodeKits. osgUtil, osgGA
and osgViewer will be my next targets.  I can't dedicate fulltime this
as I have client work I need to get on with.  It's something I'd like
to get done though, get the core OSG cleaned up for 3.6.

Thanks in advance for you help,

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