[osg-users] OpenSceneGraph Travis + Coverity scan up and running

Jason Beverage jasonbeverage at gmail.com
Tue Jun 21 13:51:26 PDT 2016

Really cool Robert.  I'd love to get TravisCI setup for osgEarth as well,
we might pick your brain on it here soon.

On Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 5:03 AM Robert Osfield <robert.osfield at gmail.com>

> With help form Ralf Habacker and Jordi Torress we now have Travis
> build testing and Coverity scan up and running.  If you got to the
> OSG's github page :
>    https://github.com/openscenegraph/OpenSceneGraph
> and look down to the README.md you'll see two little bullet icons:
>   [build | passing]  [ coverity | passed 5 new defects]
> You can click on the build icon and it'll take you to the Travis build
> logs, and click on the Coverity one and it'll take you to our new
> Coverity analysis page.
> For the up coming OpenSceneGraph-3.6 stable release I would like to
> improve the Coverity defect count. I have already made dozens of small
> fixes to code highlight by Coverity, there is still a long way to go.
> For this effort I'd appreciate help from the community :-)
> My personally priority is to squash the High priority ones first, then
> move on to Midium and then lower priority ones.  Also defects picked
> up in the core libraries like osg, osgUtil, osgDB, osgGA, osgViewer
> are ones that will benefit the most users.
> As well as code fixes just reviewing the defect reports and accessing
> how crucial it is would be helpful.  The Coverity web interface allows
> you to add comments as well as adjust properties/categorization of
> defects.  For this you'll need to either log into via your Github
> account or create a Coverity account.
> As work on cleaning up defects progresses I will apply the fixes to
> master as they come in and then every couple of days merge these
> changes as a block to the new coverity_scan branch which will then
> fire off a Coverity scan so we can get an update of how the clean up
> is progressing.
> When doing fixes please make sure that you fully understand the code
> you are modifying and the nature of the defect.  It's all too easy to
> fix a warning/defect report on code that was working fine and then
> have the new "improved" code introduce a bug that neither produces
> warning or a Coverity scan.  I say this as I have made this mistake
> myself before, and also spotted such mistakes when merging changes
> from others.
> Thanks in advance for you help,
> Robert.
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