[osg-users] OpenThreads build error (OSG 3.4.0)

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Tue Jun 21 07:49:01 PDT 2016

Hi Rick,

On 21 June 2016 at 15:33, Rick Irons <Rick.Irons at mathworks.com> wrote:
> Any thoughts on this issue?
> We are trying out option #2 below (Define WIN32_IE to 0x0600 in the Open
> Thread cmake list file) since it is the more conservative of the approaches.
> No issues so far.

I don't have Windows expertise to comment on specifics like this so
have to defer to members of the community that have Windows knowledge
like yourself.

One thing that is a bit curious though is why you are seeing build
problems with 3.4.0 when others using Windows didn't report problems
during the 3.4.0 release testing cycle.  I have a Windows 7 dual boot
on this system that I occasionally boot into and haven't seen
problems, I think I have VS2013 installed as well.


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