[osg-users] Side by side viewers with different field of view

Steven Powers StevenAPowers at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 17:59:55 PDT 2016

Here are the two cfg files I'm using for the two applications:

Camera "Left Camera"
	RenderSurface "Default"
		Visual { SetSimple }
		Screen 1;
		WindowRect 0 20 640 400;
		Border off;

	ProjectionRectangle 0 1 0 1;

		Frustum -0.249328 0.249328 -0.153915 0.153915 1 40000;
		Rotate 28.0 0 1 0;

Camera "Right Camera"
	RenderSurface "Default"
		Visual { SetSimple }
		Screen 1;
		WindowRect 640 20 1280 400;
		Border off;

	ProjectionRectangle 0 1 0 1;

		Frustum -0.531709 0.531709 -0.153915 0.153915 1 40000;
		Rotate -14 0 1 0;

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