[osg-users] Irregular shaped clip node?

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 10:40:57 PDT 2016

HI Mike,

The osg::ClipNode uses OpenGL fixed function clipping planes to work
so can only be used for convex hulls.

If you want to do clipping with more complex shapes you'll need to use
other approaches to rendering the scene.


On 16 June 2016 at 18:35, Mike Greene <mgreene at hiwaay.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> Can you have an irregular shaped clip node? For example, what if I want an ellipse or a pentagon shaped clip node. Is that possible?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Mike
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=67656#67656
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