[osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

Björn Blissing bjorn.blissing at vti.se
Thu Jun 16 05:23:53 PDT 2016

memory_leak wrote:
> Jaaaa :-) and I as well commented on that include defined and possibility that my script maybe messed up includes after I checked it up for the post above, if you read the text you quoted .... It is not important, but I don't think Linux people would use your modified getopt.c build which is intended for sole purpose of windows build, and should probably not use strings.h either since it is an obsolete header predating standard, but that just as curiosa .-)
> Anyway thanks for hjälp with your cmakes.

You're welcome. 

And just as a side note. The getopt.c is certainly not something that I have written. It is verbatim from:

And it is included due to having to include unistd.h.


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