[osg-users] Help need on refining .travis.yml for coverity_scan

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 01:01:10 PDT 2016

On 16 June 2016 at 08:48, Jens Georg <mail+osg at jensge.org> wrote:
>> Quite a flood of feedback...
> The .yaml doesn't validate properly:
> http://lint.travis-ci.org/openscenegraph/OpenSceneGraph
> and I think it ignores the addon section because of that. Apparently
> using matrix and coverity does not seem to cooperate very well.
> Some of the things inside the matrix seem to go to toplevel.
> The last comment on https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/1975
> seems to have a solution that doesn't involve downloading random
> scripts from the internet.
> The simplest approach seems to be to have a separate .travis.yaml on
> the coverity branch that only does one build and is spared from the
> merge.

I was thinking about the possibility of using a seperate .travis.yml
on the coverity_scan branch, it's a bit pain having differences but
might work out.


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