[osg-users] freetype build support on Windows

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 08:01:51 PDT 2016

Hi Stuart,

On 8 June 2016 at 15:54, Stuart Mentzer <Stuart_Mentzer at objexx.com> wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> I think the call to select_library_configurations might already be doing
> what you are after but I'm no CMake expert. The code is in CMake's
> SelectLibraryConfigurations module.

Learn something new every day :-)

Do you have an idea which version of CMake this feature was added? My
concern is that is we make one of out find modules only work with
recent versions of CMake then we'll break the build for those stuck
with older versions of CMake.

What about the PNG dependency, have you resolved a way to detect this
and add it in?


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