[osg-users] [build] DAE build failure.. dae.h not found

Dave Sargrad davidsargrad at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 6 02:46:41 PDT 2016


I apologize for not providing the detail. Let me attempt to. Rather than compile the DOM, I downloaded the full set of 3rd party dependencies from this page.

The specific download I used is this one (http://download.osgvisual.org/3rdParty_VS2013_v120_x86_x64_V9_full.7z).

There is a 1.4 and a 1.5 DOM within this set. I extracted the dependcies and placed them under my OSG source tree. 

You can see their location within my tree here.

I went through several iterations of trying to get COLLADA configured. This is my current latest.

I believe that this set of dependencies has the compiled DOM you refer to.
It is referenced in my COLLADA configuration. Drilling down into my 3rd party libs, one can see that compiled library.


I have not set any environment variables. I have only attempted to configure its location through CMAKE.  This seemed to work for all other plugins. Should I also set the environment variable as you suggest? 

Hopefully this detail provides you with some more insights to help me.

I do appreciate your response.. Thanks for looking at this.


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