[osg-users] Preparing to make 3.5.3 dev release, please test

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 04:46:00 PDT 2016

Hi Bjorn,

On 3 June 2016 at 09:48, Björn Blissing <bjorn.blissing at vti.se> wrote:
> I compiled the latest master with Visual Studio 2015.
> I got a couple of warnings.  First of all I got a ton of these, which all originates from the same origin:
> Code:
> ...
> OpenSceneGraph\include\osg/OperationThread(80): warning C4589: Constructor of abstract class 'osg::Operation' ignores initializer for virtual base class 'osg::Referenced' (compiling source file D:\github\OpenSceneGraph\src\osg\AnimationPath.cpp)
>   OpenSceneGraph\include\osg/OperationThread(80): note: virtual base classes are only initialized by the most-derived type (compiling source file D:\github\OpenSceneGraph\src\osg\AnimationPath.cpp)
> ...
> And the same warnings for the following classes:
> Code:
> OpenSceneGraph\src\osgGA\CameraManipulator.cpp(24): warning C4589: Constructor of abstract class 'osgGA::CameraManipulator' ignores initializer for virtual base class 'osg::Callback'
>   OpenSceneGraph\src\osgGA\CameraManipulator.cpp(24): note: virtual base classes are only initialized by the most-derived type
> OpenSceneGraph\src\osgGA\StandardManipulator.cpp(51): warning C4589: Constructor of abstract class 'osgGA::StandardManipulator' ignores initializer for virtual base class 'osg::Callback'
>   OpenSceneGraph\src\osgGA\StandardManipulator.cpp(51): note: virtual base classes are only initialized by the most-derived type
> OpenSceneGraph\src\osgViewer\ViewerBase.cpp(44): warning C4589: Constructor of abstract class 'osgViewer::ViewerBase' ignores initializer for virtual base class 'osg::Object'
>   OpenSceneGraph\src\osgViewer\ViewerBase.cpp(44): note: virtual base classes are only initialized by the most-derived type
> OpenSceneGraph\src\osgViewer\ViewerBase.cpp(50): warning C4589: Constructor of abstract class 'osgViewer::ViewerBase' ignores initializer for virtual base class 'osg::Object'
>   OpenSceneGraph\src\osgViewer\ViewerBase.cpp(50): note: virtual base classes are only initialized by the most-derived type
> OpenSceneGraph\src\osgAnimation\AnimationManagerBase.cpp(65): warning C4589: Constructor of abstract class 'osgAnimation::AnimationManagerBase' ignores initializer for virtual base class 'osg::Callback'
>   OpenSceneGraph\src\osgAnimation\AnimationManagerBase.cpp(65): note: virtual base classes are only initialized by the most-derived type

Unfortunately I don't see these warnings with the compiler I have
available with the settings that are currently available.  Do you know
of what to enable these warnings in gcc or Clang?

The nature of these warnings are such that I really need to be able to
see the warning first hand and attempt a local fix to see the affect.


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