[osg-users] [osgPlugins] Infinite loop loading OBJ with a new osgDB::Options

Alberto Luaces aluaces at udc.es
Mon Jul 11 01:22:04 PDT 2016

"Julien Valentin" writes:

> Hi,
> I don't understand:
> when i open wavefront obj with osgviewer all is right but in my application i get stuck in an infinite loop.
> I set a new osgDB::Options to readrefnodefile, could it come from that?
> Here's the stacktrace when i break the inf loop.
> Any help is welcome

Hi Julien,

that sometimes happens if your locale does not interpret dots as the
decimal separator.  Therefore, all the vertices are read as integers
having almost the same value, so the tri-stripper creates a lot of
common edges.

Try setting LANG=C as a environment variable, or just before reading the
file: I have issues because Qt was changing the locale for me.


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