[osg-users] (no subject)

Anders Backman andersb at cs.umu.se
Thu Feb 4 01:05:14 PST 2016

Hi all.

Trying OSG 3.5.1 and I have started to get some problems with objects
(osg::Program/osg::Shaders etc.) being de-allocated after context is

Error: OpenGL version test failed, requires valid graphics context.

Sometime it crasches sometimes it just print the warning.

I can reproduce it with osgViewer --ssm

The only solution so far has been to keep a static reference to the camera
in the scene, which feels a lot like a hack.
The same code worked in 3.4.0. So as you wrote in an earlier post, this
probably reveals something that was not deallocated before.

As soon as the viewer is destroyed, it takes the camera with it. Hence the
Context is also destroyed.

Not sure how to handle this in an general way.


Anders Backman, HPC2N
90187 Umeå University, Sweden
anders at cs.umu.se http://www.hpc2n.umu.se
Cell: +46-70-392 64 67
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