[osg-users] osgText and OpenGL ES 3

Benjamin Rollet benjamin.rollet at sogeti.com
Tue Aug 2 06:04:45 PDT 2016


I am trying to port my project using OSG 3.4.0 on iOS.
I first tried to modify OSG sources to be fully usable with an OpenGL ES 3 context, as other dependencies require OpenGL ES 3.

I managed to run osg on my iPad, modifying shaders and removing duplicates while merging them, but osgText is making me crazy |-) 
I tried to debug using only the osgtext.cpp example.

I embedded a font with my application in a bundle, and successfully load it. I modified osgText/Glyph to use GL_RED as glyph texture format.
Only the DefaultFont is correctly rendered. Other Glyphs are not rendered, only their bouding boxes (cf. attached image).

Does anyone has an idea on what could be the cause?


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