[osg-users] Detecting if a node is within viewfrustum

Suraj Paul osgforum at tevs.eu
Sun Aug 28 01:08:42 PDT 2016

Hi Julien,

Thanx for reply. I would be better if there is a simpler way out. 
If i could just detect when a given node is not inside the viewfrustum, then i could adjust the camera view matrix, something like:-

osgGA::OrbitManipulator* orbit = dynamic_cast<osgGA::OrbitManipulator*>( view->
            getCameraManipulator() );
            if ( orbit)
                osg::Matrix matrix = computeTargetToWorldMatrix(
                _target.get() );
                osg::Vec3d targetCenter = _target->getBound().center() *matrix;
                orbit->setCenter( targetCenter );


But i am not able to detect when does the "_target" node moves out of scene!

Thank you!


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