[osg-users] [About VertexArrayObject Branch] FeedBack and Insight

wang dexing wangdexingit at gmail.com
Mon Aug 15 00:56:59 PDT 2016


I'm glad that osg's VAO edition is in hand.
I'm intersted in opengl and osg,I once tried to add 'vao' and 'instance draw' functions to osg because I had many same models and texts to draw and I didn't want to give up osg's 'cull' fuction.
It took me much time thinking about where I  should use 'vao'. In order to support 'instance draw',I used 'vao' in 'RenderLeaf', I calculated 'instance data' from 'Transform' node and other 'instance node',then put 'instance arrays' in 'currentstategraph'.I bind vbos in drawables and vbos of 'instance arrarys' to the 'vao' when renderring(first draw).what do you think of my way?
BTW,how can I join you?

Thank you!


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