[osg-users] Strange problem with QT, OSG and osgdb_dae.so

Sebastian Messerschmidt sebastian.messerschmidt at gmx.de
Wed Aug 10 05:37:13 PDT 2016

Hi Phillip,
> robertosfield wrote:
>> Hi Philipp,
>> Is there any chance that the COLLADA_DOM assumes a certain locale
>> while Qt is changing it?
>> Robert.
> Hi Robert,
> interesting idea. However, the loader seems to parse texture paths correctly. Wouldnt that also be messed up if the issue was caused by locales?
Usually the floating point representation (e.g. ',' vs '.') is will be 
affected first.
> Also, this issue just got even weirder:
> Instead of using QT, i tried using GTK with osgviewerGTK. I got it to work, but Im facing the exact same issue: The model fails to load vertices properly.
> When keeping the entire source code the same, and just commenting out "gtk_init()", the loader works again.
> I fail to understand this.
Have you tried any other loader? I'd try some binary format (osgb) and 
some text format (obj) to see if there are fundamental differences. If 
there are you're most likely experiencing some issues regarding locale.
What is your systems language?

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