[osg-users] Strange problem with QT, OSG and osgdb_dae.so

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Tue Aug 9 04:49:15 PDT 2016

Hi Philipp,

Is there any chance that the COLLADA_DOM assumes a certain locale
while Qt is changing it?


On 9 August 2016 at 11:41, Philipp Meyer <philipp.meyer at fh-bielefeld.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> Im trying to build a collada model viewer using osg, the osgdb_dae plugin and QT for the user interface.
> For integrating osg into QT, I have followed the example implementation here:
> https://github.com/openscenegraph/OpenSceneGraph/blob/master/examples/osgviewerQt/osgviewerQt.cpp
> I can see the graphics window, I'm able to change the clear color of it and I also successfully created some basic shapes and used shaders.
> However, when loading a collada file using the osgDB and osg_dae plugin, I get very weird results. For example, when loading a car model, I only see a flat rectangle. I have written my whole scene graph into a file to debug it, and it seems like it loaded the model correctly, however, all vertices are set to 0 0 0 instead of their proper values.
> To make sure I did not build the library incorrectly I also created another program without QT and the exact same source code for loading the model, and it works perfectly.
> I have experimented further, and it appears that the call to
> Code:
> QApplication(argc, argv);
> prior to loading the collada model is causing the issue. When removing the qt initialization, everything works fine.
> So, it seems like QT is messing with some openGL stuff in the background? I still dont really get why that would mess up the collada loader though.
> Does anyone have an idea what the issue could be?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Philipp
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