[osg-users] [build] Problem during generating the exectable files with VS 2012 :: Link2019 Error

Sebastian Messerschmidt sebastian.messerschmidt at gmx.de
Mon Aug 8 05:05:42 PDT 2016

Hi Udo,
> Hi Sebastian,
> thanks for the reply. But as I told I am a newbie, please help me out what I need to have to to do to change such zblib-problem you are talking about.
No worries, we'll steer you through :-)
Basically the biggest hurdle for me was cmake and the 3rd_party 
libraries too. Make sure you've downloaded the correct set (e.g. the 
VS2015 set).
If this isn't working, contact me privately so I can supply you with my 
3rd party builds for VS2015.

> I use the 3Party-libs which are explicied mentoned to use for at the downloadpage and I told cmake to use them with the special mentioned OSG_3RDPARTY_DIR in cmake-gui.

Check if
ZLIB_LIBRARY and the ZLIB_LIBRARY_DEBUG are set correctly.

In my case they are pointing to
3rd_party/lib/zlib.lib and 3rd_party/lib/zlibd.lib respectively.
(you might to tick the "advanced" checkbox in the cmake-gui to find them.

If you're absolutely lost, you might want to send the CMakeCache.txt 
file in your build directory, so we can take a look.
> I am also quite sure the there is used any wrong path, but cant figure out what it is.
If the path would be wrong, there would be an error indicating a missing 
> Thanks in advance for a further answer

> Regards
> Udo
> ...
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Udo
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=68308#68308
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