[osg-users] Unwanted light source when importing 3DS file.

Greger Heid bravo.bravenko at live.se
Thu Apr 28 13:23:56 PDT 2016


I am currently working extra on a project for uni where I render the scene using 9 different cameras. This is in order to show the scene on a 3D monitor, similar to the Nintendo 3DS. 

I have received the scene in a .3ds format. However when I import this in osg there seem to be a light source attached somewhere in the node structure. If I move the 3ds loaded mesh away from other meshes the light is gone (that is, it follows the 3ds mesh). 

My question is then; How can I remove this light?

I have attempted to use a visitor in order to find any osg::Light or osg::LightSource, as well as trying to find the name of the object I think is the light source. However all these attempts have come up short. 

Is there a default light when importing a .3ds format?

I would be very grateful for any help. 

Best regards,

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