[osg-users] Why isn't OpenSceneGraph used in games?

Michael DeForge mdeforge at simcreator.com
Thu Apr 21 07:07:12 PDT 2016

Can anyone explain to me why OpenSceneGraph isn't used in the games industry? There seems to be a large stigma surrounding OSG's performance, but is there really a problem here or not? OSG's own website claims "high performance". Is it really?

I've heard reports that people have had to keep their scene graphs shallow otherwise the lookups become too expensive. Makes sense, but is that enough to disqualify it for use in games?

My problem is that we have to render very large expanses of terrain in urban and rural environments. Think GTA, but for simulation research purposes, not entertainment.

I know OSG is used a lot in the simulation industry but I don't understand why when there's better tech out there.

I'm not trying to incite a flame war, I just want a straight honest answer. We're considering many different frameworks and engines right now and OSG seems like an iceberg that I'm trying to steer us away from.

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