[osg-users] Point Selection in Point Cloud

Bruno Oliveira bruno.manata.oliveira at gmail.com
Sun Apr 3 02:52:06 PDT 2016


I want to draw some rectangle in my viewer and select all points in a 3D
point cloud scene inside that rectangle, i.e., I have some 2D shape in
screen coordinates and want to select the 3D points that lie inside it in a
3D scene.

I know how to draw the rectangle, and I also know that this can be achieved
in OpenGL by using the ProjectionMatrix and projection 3D points back to
screen coordinates and check for intersection. My questions are the

- Does OSG provide any utility for this (NOTE: this is a point cloud!)
- After I seleted my points, what kind of operations can I do to them? Can
I for instance delete them from the OSG container?
- Is this how OSG is supposed to be used? Or should I use my own containers
and code, perform my point cloud operations on my own containers, and use
OSG exclusively for rendering?

Thank you
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