[osg-users] osgViewer::Viewer fullscreen dual monitor issue

Björn Blissing bjorn.blissing at vti.se
Fri Apr 29 15:19:46 PDT 2016

akaisora wrote:
> Hi,
> I am still new around here, I've got the book "OpenSceneGraph 3.0 Beginner's Guide" and learning step by step. But I have dual monitors and running any osg::Viewer example I got fullscreen window on both monitors, and a splitted view as demonstrated in the attached screenshot.
> Bascially it swaps the two monitors, the left render should have been on the right and vice versa. 
> Any idea how to fix it? Except using only one monitor :)
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Soulaymen

Hi Soulaymen,

This is because you have your monitors setup in the wrong order in your windows settings. Windows enumerates your monitors, which can be seen in the displays settings. Make sure that your leftmost monitor have id 1 and the one to the right have id 2. (Note that this have nothing to do with which monitor is set to be primary or secondary, it is quite possible to make monitor 2 the primary monitor.).

I suspect that if you open the display settings you will currently have something that looks like this (Note the numbers on the displays and their location):

You will need to change this so the numbers are in order left to right.


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