[osg-users] [ANN] Windows Binaries of OSG 3.4.0 : Visual C++ 2015 and Intel C++ 2016

Sebastian Messerschmidt sebastian.messerschmidt at gmx.de
Thu Apr 28 13:36:09 PDT 2016

Hi Stuart,

First of all: Thank you for giving something back to the community.
Can you elaborate on the specific versions used for the 3rd-party 
libraries? Especially if you compiled against Qt and possibly which version.
> Hello dear OSG-community,
> OSG 3.4.0 Windows binaries built with Visual C++ 2015 and Intel C++ 2016 are now available from this page on my company's site:
> http://objexx.com/OpenSceneGraph.html
> A ReadMe.txt file in the root directory of the expanded package has some details.
> These are 64-bit builds with the default GL2 OpenGL level and these dependencies: curl, freetype, giflib, glut, jpeg, lpng, minizip, tiff, zlib. We can add other plugins (GDAL, Collada, ...) based on community interest.
> There is a vanilla VC++ build and also builds optimized for AVX2 (Haswell and later) CPUs. We are going to do some performance comparisons to see if the AVX2 and/or Intel C++ are beneficial for our application: we also welcome feedback on performance from the community.
> The Intel C++ build should be binary compatible with VC++ 2015 so you don't need Intel C++ to use it. Note that it was built with /fp:fast=2 to enable auto-vectorization of floating point loops: this could cause small precision loss that might matter with larger/geo distance scales. If vectorization isn't significant/beneficial this option may be dropped: input on this is welcomed.
Interesting, can you point to some sources why the /fp:fast is needed 
for auto-vectorization? I'm pretty sure I've seen at least SSE2 
vectorization on some meta-programming matrix code of mine. Precision 
is  a real issue for me, so forgive my skepticism.

> We hope to do some OSG profiling and experiment with tuning on the Windows side with VTune: if we find anything interesting we'll post it on our OSG page and submit code back to the developers.
> We don't have a need for 32-bit builds or older compilers but feel free to ask  ;) .
> Since we need these ourselves we plan to post binaries for future OSG and compiler releases as a way to give back to the OSG community.

> Best regards,
> Stuart
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=67012#67012
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