[osg-users] osgVolume::MultipassTechnique use

Alex Taylor alextaylor at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 13:12:21 PDT 2016


Here is a better looking stack trace on Linux. (I believe this stack trace
has gdb debug symbols enabled, it was a bit tricky to create and integrate
a build with DEBUG symbols in my environment here, apologies if I got it

My guess is that the Matrixd object being inverted after the call to
MultipassTechnique::cull is a NULL pointer or something like that...is
there perhaps a property or something I'm failing to setup when using
MultipassTechnique that might cause that to happen?

No, I don't know whether the example works. My use of MultipassTechnique is
failing on a Mac and a Linux box within the software stack where I am, and
the stack trace looks the same on Mac and Linux.  I can try to build the
example. In the build harness where I work, I'd have to do a bit of work or
else just build OSG from scratch to use the volume example.

Any thoughts at all based on this seg fault trace? Any leads would be much
appreciated, feeling stuck.

- Alex

Stack Trace (from fault):
[  0] 0x00007f565ccdf968 osg::Matrixd::invert(osg::Matrixd const&) at
[  1] 0x00007f565a335b04
osgVolume::MultipassTechnique::cull(osgUtil::CullVisitor*) at
[  2] 0x00007f565a3449bc
osgVolume::VolumeScene::traverse(osg::NodeVisitor&) at
[  3] 0x00007f565a9491bb osgUtil::CullVisitor::apply(osg::Group&) at
[  4] 0x00007f565a348330 osgVolume::VolumeScene::accept(osg::NodeVisitor&)
[  5] 0x00007f565c4ed503 osg::Group::traverse(osg::NodeVisitor&) at
[  6] 0x00007f565a94aa86 osgUtil::CullVisitor::apply(osg::Transform&) at
[  7] 0x00007f565c525a48 osg::MatrixTransform::accept(osg::NodeVisitor&) at
[  8] 0x00007f565c4ed503 osg::Group::traverse(osg::NodeVisitor&) at
[  9] 0x00007f565a9491bb osgUtil::CullVisitor::apply(osg::Group&) at
[ 10] 0x00007f565c4eecb8 osg::Group::accept(osg::NodeVisitor&) at
[ 11] 0x00007f565c4ed503 osg::Group::traverse(osg::NodeVisitor&) at
[ 12] 0x00007f565a94a278 osgUtil::CullVisitor::apply(osg::Camera&) at
[ 13] 0x00007f565c4968f8 osg::Camera::accept(osg::NodeVisitor&) at
[ 14] 0x00007f565c4ed503 osg::Group::traverse(osg::NodeVisitor&) at
[ 15] 0x00007f565a9491bb osgUtil::CullVisitor::apply(osg::Group&) at
[ 16] 0x00007f565c4eecb8 osg::Group::accept(osg::NodeVisitor&) at
[ 17] 0x00007f565c4ed503 osg::Group::traverse(osg::NodeVisitor&) at
[ 18] 0x00007f565a9f26d7 osgUtil::SceneView::cullStage(osg::Matrixd const&,
osg::Matrixd const&, osgUtil::CullVisitor*, osgUtil::StateGraph*,
osgUtil::RenderStage*, osg::Viewport*) at
[ 19] 0x00007f565a9f0740 osgUtil::SceneView::cull() at
[ 20] 0x00007f565cd2a052
hg::openscenegraph::RenderCounts&, osgUtil::SceneView*, unsigned int) at
[ 21] 0x00007f565cd2767f
hg::openscenegraph::OsgSceneServer::cullAndDraw(int, bool, double, double)
[ 22] 0x00007f567465ae54
UIJ_call_OpenGLPaintFcn(gui_objects::scene_server::SceneServerProxy*, int,
bool, double, double) at
[ 23] 0x00007f56727b5dfe
Java_com_mathworks_hg_peer_JavaSceneServerPeer_doDisplay at
On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 4:13 AM Robert Osfield <robert.osfield at gmail.com>

> Hi Alex,
> A stack trace with debugging info would be far more useful and should be
> able to pinpoint the cause of the crash, or at least give some clues of
> where to look.
> Also, does the osgvolume example crash when you use the MultiPassTechnique?
> Robert.
> On 26 April 2016 at 21:35, Alex Taylor <alextaylor at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I'm running into a segmentation violation when I attempt to use
>> osgVolume::MultipassTechnique more or less as a drop in replacement for
>> RayTracedTechnique using OSG 3.4. My use of RayTracedTechnique works and
>> renders fine.
>> Here is an partial code listing demonstrating my use of
>> MultipassTechnique:
>> *    void setVolumeProperties(osg::ref_ptr<osgVolume::Volume>
>> volume,osg::ref_ptr<osgVolume::VolumeTile> tile,*
>> *            osg::ref_ptr<osgVolume::ImageLayer> layer,
>> VolumePropertyManager &volumeProperties,
>> osg::ref_ptr<osgVolume::VolumeScene> volumeScene)*
>> *    {*
>> *        // FixedFunctionTechnique turns on GL_LIGHTING, which breaks the
>> color rendering.*
>> *        osg::StateSet* stateset = volume->getOrCreateStateSet();*
>> *        if (volumeProperties.volumeTechnique ==
>> VolumeTechnique::RayTraced){*
>> *            osg::ref_ptr<osgVolume::RayTracedTechnique> rayTraced = new
>> osgVolume::RayTracedTechnique();*
>> *            tile->setVolumeTechnique(rayTraced.get());*
>> *            osg::ref_ptr<osg::FrontFace> frontFace(new
>> osg::FrontFace(osg::FrontFace::CLOCKWISE));*
>> *            stateset->setAttribute(frontFace.get(),
>> osg::StateAttribute::PROTECTED);*
>> *            layer->addProperty(new
>> osgVolume::SampleDensityWhenMovingProperty(volumeProperties.sampleDensityWhenMoving));*
>> *            layer->addProperty(new
>> osgVolume::SampleDensityProperty(volumeProperties.sampleDensity));*
>> *        } else if (volumeProperties.volumeTechnique ==
>> VolumeTechnique::Multipass) {*
>> *            osg::ref_ptr<osgVolume::MultipassTechnique> multipass = new
>> osgVolume::MultipassTechnique();*
>> *            tile->setVolumeTechnique(multipass.get());*
>> *            volumeScene->addChild(volume.get());*
>> *            volume->getOrCreateStateSet();*
>> *            layer->addProperty(new
>> osgVolume::SampleRatioProperty(1.0f));*
>> *            layer->addProperty(new
>> osgVolume::SampleRatioWhenMovingProperty(0.5f));*
>> *        } else if (volumeProperties.volumeTechnique ==
>> VolumeTechnique::FixedFunction) {*
>> *            tile->setVolumeTechnique(new
>> osgVolume::FixedFunctionTechnique());*
>> *            stateset->setMode(GL_LIGHTING,osg::StateAttribute::OFF |
>> osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE);*
>> *        } else {*
>> *            throw hg::PropertyException("VolumeTechnique");*
>> *        }*
>> *        layer->addProperty(new
>> osgVolume::TransferFunctionProperty(volumeProperties.transferFunction.get()));*
>> *        layer->addProperty(new
>> osgVolume::AlphaFuncProperty(volumeProperties.alphaFunc));*
>> *        if (volumeProperties.useLighting) layer->addProperty(new
>> osgVolume::LightingProperty);*
>> *        if (volumeProperties.useIsosurface) layer->addProperty(new
>> osgVolume::IsoSurfaceProperty(volumeProperties.alphaFunc));*
>> *        if (volumeProperties.useMaximumIntensityProjection)
>> layer->addProperty(new osgVolume::MaximumIntensityProjectionProperty());*
>> *    }*
>> The following function returns the Node * that will be passed to the
>> viewer. I either return a osgVolume::Volume * or osgVolume::VolumeScene *
>> object depending on whether I'm using multipass rendering as my Node *.
>> *    osg::Node* BP_createPeerHelper(Volume& v,*
>> *            hg::SceneClient& client,*
>> *            const gui_objects::Cookie& owner,*
>> *            hg::UpdateState& us) {*
>> *        osg::ref_ptr<osgVolume::Volume> volume = new osgVolume::Volume;*
>> *        osg::ref_ptr<osgVolume::VolumeScene> volumeScene = new
>> osgVolume::VolumeScene;*
>> *        const mxArray* data = v.getData();*
>> *        VolumePropertyManager volumeProperties(v,us);*
>> *        if (data != NULL && mxGetNumberOfDimensions(data) == 3 &&
>> mxGetClassID(data) == mxUINT8_CLASS) {*
>> *            osg::ref_ptr<osgVolume::VolumeTile> tile = new
>> osgVolume::VolumeTile;*
>> *            volume->addChild(tile.get());*
>> *            // If we are using FixedFunctionTechnique, we need to apply
>> the transfer function to get a new allocated RGBA memory on the CPU to pass
>> to OSG.*
>> *            // Otherwise, we can pass the intensity data directly to the
>> card. GPU shaders does the RGBA directly.*
>> *            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> intensityImage =
>> createTexture3D(data);*
>> *            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> image_3d =
>> (volumeProperties.volumeTechnique == VolumeTechnique::FixedFunction) ?*
>> *
>> osgVolume::applyTransferFunction(intensityImage.get(),volumeProperties.transferFunction.get())
>> :*
>> *
>> intensityImage.release();*
>> *            osg::ref_ptr<osgVolume::ImageLayer> layer = new
>> osgVolume::ImageLayer(image_3d);*
>> *            tile->setLayer(layer.get());*
>> *
>> setVolumeProperties(volume,tile,layer,volumeProperties,volumeScene);*
>> *            // Our original implementation positioned the bbox
>> [-0.5,0.5] in each dimension.*
>> *            // FixedFunctionTechnique applies the locator matrix to the
>> a unit cube [0 1] in each dimension.*
>> *            // To get the equivalent spatial referencing, apply a
>> translation of -0.5 to each dimension.*
>> *            osg::ref_ptr<osg::RefMatrix> matrix = new osg::RefMatrix();*
>> *            matrix->makeTranslate(-0.5,-0.5,-0.5);*
>> *            tile->setLocator(new osgVolume::Locator(*matrix));*
>> *        }*
>> *        else {*
>> *            throw hg::PropertyException("Data");*
>> *        }*
>> *        std::cout << "volumeScene pointer: " << volumeScene.get() <<
>> std::endl;*
>> *        if (volumeProperties.volumeTechnique ==
>> VolumeTechnique::Multipass)*
>> *            return volumeScene.release();*
>> *        else*
>> *            return volume.release();*
>> *    }*
>> When I execute my code that previously worked with RayTracedTechnique, I
>> receive the following stack trace
>> Stack Trace (from fault):
>> *[  0] 0x0000000104879d04
>> fl::diag::stacktrace_base::capture(fl::diag::thread_context const&,
>> unsigned long) at stacktrace.cpp:175 (in
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libmwfl.dylib)*
>> *[  1] 0x000000010487cf9a void (anonymous
>> namespace)::terminate_impl::log<char const*>(char const* const&,
>> fl::diag::thread_context const&, char const*, int, char const*, bool) at
>> terminate.cpp:238 (in
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libmwfl.dylib)*
>> *[  2] 0x000000010487ca09 fl::diag::terminate_log(char const*,
>> __darwin_ucontext const*) at lock_types.hpp:362 (in
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libmwfl.dylib)*
>> *[  3] 0x00000001081cf0a8 (anonymous
>> namespace)::crash_context::generate_crash_report_(std::__1::basic_ostream<char,
>> std::__1::char_traits<char> >&) const at sighndl.cpp:1149 (in
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libmwmcr.dylib)*
>> *[  4] 0x00000001081cea00 (anonymous namespace)::crash_context::ctor_()
>> at sighndl.cpp:1025 (in
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libmwmcr.dylib)*
>> *[  5] 0x00000001081cd62a mnFatalSignalHandler at sighndl.cpp:729 (in
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libmwmcr.dylib)*
>> *[  6] 0x00007fff90c31f1a _sigtramp+00000026 at
>> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib+20250 (no debugging symbols found)*
>> *[  7] 0x0000000000000005 [unknown function] at [unknown module] (no
>> module specified)*
>> *[  8] 0x00000001204c4e56
>> osgVolume::MultipassTechnique::traverse(osg::NodeVisitor&)+00000086 at
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libosgVolume.130.dylib+106070
>> (no debugging symbols found)*
>> *[  9] 0x00000001204dcbf6
>> osgVolume::VolumeTile::traverse(osg::NodeVisitor&)+00000438 at
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libosgVolume.130.dylib+203766
>> (no debugging symbols found)*
>> *[ 10] 0x00000001204d7c0b
>> osgVolume::VolumeScene::traverse(osg::NodeVisitor&)+00008827 at
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libosgVolume.130.dylib+183307
>> (no debugging symbols found)*
>> *[ 11] 0x0000000143a8daf2
>> osgUtil::CullVisitor::apply(osg::Group&)+00000642 at
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libosgUtil.130.dylib+39666
>> (no debugging symbols found)*
>> *[ 12] 0x00000001204d8a79
>> osgVolume::VolumeScene::accept(osg::NodeVisitor&)+00000121 at
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libosgVolume.130.dylib+187001
>> (no debugging symbols found)*
>> *[ 13] 0x00000001438749ef
>> osg::Group::traverse(osg::NodeVisitor&)+00000047 at
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libosg.130.dylib+522735
>> (no debugging symbols found)*
>> *[ 14] 0x0000000143a8dbf0
>> osgUtil::CullVisitor::apply(osg::Transform&)+00000240 at
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libosgUtil.130.dylib+39920
>> (no debugging symbols found)*
>> *[ 15] 0x00000001438b9499
>> osg::MatrixTransform::accept(osg::NodeVisitor&)+00000121 at
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libosg.130.dylib+803993
>> (no debugging symbols found)*
>> *[ 16] 0x00000001438749ef
>> osg::Group::traverse(osg::NodeVisitor&)+00000047 at
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libosg.130.dylib+522735
>> (no debugging symbols found)*
>> *[ 17] 0x0000000143a8daf2
>> osgUtil::CullVisitor::apply(osg::Group&)+00000642 at
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libosgUtil.130.dylib+39666
>> (no debugging symbols found)*
>> *[ 18] 0x0000000143876049 osg::Group::accept(osg::NodeVisitor&)+00000121
>> at
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libosg.130.dylib+528457
>> (no debugging symbols found)*
>> *[ 19] 0x00000001438749ef
>> osg::Group::traverse(osg::NodeVisitor&)+00000047 at
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libosg.130.dylib+522735
>> (no debugging symbols found)*
>> *[ 20] 0x0000000143a8f29d
>> osgUtil::CullVisitor::apply(osg::Camera&)+00003021 at
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libosgUtil.130.dylib+45725
>> (no debugging symbols found)*
>> *[ 21] 0x000000014381c209 osg::Camera::accept(osg::NodeVisitor&)+00000121
>> at
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libosg.130.dylib+160265
>> (no debugging symbols found)*
>> *[ 22] 0x00000001438749ef
>> osg::Group::traverse(osg::NodeVisitor&)+00000047 at
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libosg.130.dylib+522735
>> (no debugging symbols found)*
>> *[ 23] 0x0000000143a8daf2
>> osgUtil::CullVisitor::apply(osg::Group&)+00000642 at
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libosgUtil.130.dylib+39666
>> (no debugging symbols found)*
>> *[ 24] 0x0000000143876049 osg::Group::accept(osg::NodeVisitor&)+00000121
>> at
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libosg.130.dylib+528457
>> (no debugging symbols found)*
>> *[ 25] 0x00000001438749ef
>> osg::Group::traverse(osg::NodeVisitor&)+00000047 at
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libosg.130.dylib+522735
>> (no debugging symbols found)*
>> *[ 26] 0x0000000143b486bb osgUtil::SceneView::cullStage(osg::Matrixd
>> const&, osg::Matrixd const&, osgUtil::CullVisitor*, osgUtil::StateGraph*,
>> osgUtil::RenderStage*, osg::Viewport*)+00002875 at
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libosgUtil.130.dylib+804539
>> (no debugging symbols found)*
>> *[ 27] 0x0000000143b47117 osgUtil::SceneView::cull()+00001399 at
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libosgUtil.130.dylib+798999
>> (no debugging symbols found)*
>> *[ 28] 0x00000001372607da
>> SceneRendererImpl::renderScene(hg::openscenegraph::RenderTimes&,
>> hg::openscenegraph::RenderCounts&, osgUtil::SceneView*, unsigned int) at
>> osgSceneServer.cpp:1448 (in
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libmwosgserver.dylib)*
>> *[ 29] 0x000000013725922e
>> hg::openscenegraph::OsgSceneServer::cullAndDraw(int, bool, double, double)
>> at osgSceneServer.cpp:1809 (in
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libmwosgserver.dylib)*
>> *[ 30] 0x000000011f298082
>> UIJ_call_OpenGLPaintFcn(gui_objects::scene_server::SceneServerProxy*, int,
>> bool, double, double) at SceneServerPeerEvents.cpp:56 (in
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libuij.dylib)*
>> *[ 31] 0x000000011e589414
>> Java_com_mathworks_hg_peer_JavaSceneServerPeer_doDisplay at Scene.cpp:129
>> (in
>> /mathworks/devel/sbs/28/ataylor.Bmlhg_task1.j377265/matlab/bin/maci64/libnativehg.dylib)*
>> I was wondering if either from the stack trace or my code segments if
>> there is an obvious culprit in terms of my use of MultipassTechnique. I
>> feel like my use is consistent with the pattern established in the shipping
>> example, but I'm a bit stuck at the moment as far as next directions to
>> debug my problem...
>> Thanks as always for any help,
>> Alex
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