[osg-users] Shadow projected on the opposite side too

Pierre-Jean Petitprez pierre-jean.petitprez at inria.fr
Thu Apr 28 02:40:25 PDT 2016

Hi dear OSG users,

I'm wondering how to correctly use osgShadow. As you can see on the file 
I have attached, the shadow map is projected on the receiving object 
also on a face which should normaly not receive the shadow from the 
sphere (on my example the light is at the top right corner). It behaves 
like if the top face did not stop the light to continue its path through 
the object (which is not transparent).
My example is with soft shadow but I tested with other techniques and it 
is the same behaviour.

Is there a way to avoid such behaviour with osgShadow ?
Thank you.

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