[osg-users] Custom GraphicsContext Segmentation Fault when using Multithreading

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Fri Apr 22 01:35:21 PDT 2016

Hi Phillipp,

The source didn't make it through the osg-users mailing list so can't
comment about the implementation side.

>From the error description in the first post it's clear that the graphics
context is not current when the graphics thread starts running.  osgViewer
specifically calls makeCurrent() to ensure that the context is current, if
this fails then you'd see issues like you are seeing.  Whether this is the
issue or not I can not say.

I could see being able to create an OSG application without X11 would be
useful.  Any chance that you could open source the implementation and
submit for inclusion with the core osgViewer?  This route would help others
help refine the implementation.  The first step would follow would be to
make an small example program with all the required classes in it then get
this working, and then once it's refined enough move the GraphicsContext
implementation into osgViewer to sit alongside the rest of the

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