[osg-users] Disappearing text

Ronny Hatteland ronnyhatteland at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 09:07:34 PDT 2016

robertosfield wrote:
> Hi Ronny,
> Where the problem lies will likely be how you are managing the viewer as well as the graphics context.  My hunch is that you've created the problem with your "custom" means of managing things.
> If you can try running your application with a straight osgViewer::Viewer with it creating a single window for you rather than hand wiring things yourself, even if this doesn't give you exactly what you want for your final application it will at least give you a sanity test to compare results against.  If this works then you know that the issue stems from your won custom set up.
> While it possible to hand wire things up it's more complicated with more options for screwing things up if your don't know how all the various elements fully work together.
> Robert.

Thanks for the feedback, I will try to do that.

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