[osg-users] set proper size to window manager at startup

Gianni Ambrosio g.ambrosio+osg at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 05:48:55 PDT 2016

I can understand you don't have time and you are not the author of osgWidgets. Anyway the case can be reproduced with osgviewerQt example. Putting one breakpoint on GLWidget::event(QEvent*) and another breakpoint on ViewerWidget::paintevent() method (the one that calls frame()) you can easily see that QEvent::Resize, QEvent::Show, QEvent::WindowActivate events fall into GLWidget::event() "before" the first frame() is called. So, from my point of view, this is not strictly a problem of osgWidgets: resize, show and activate evets are cleared from the event queue in every case and I dont' think this is correct.


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