[osg-users] set proper size to window manager at startup

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 02:13:42 PDT 2016

Hi Gianni,

As a general note, I'm not the author of osgWidget so not in great position
to answer specific questions about this.  Unfortuantely, the author Cedric
Pinson is now busy with the javascript version of the OSG and Sketchfab so
not pitching in my on the osgWidget side these days.

On 18 April 2016 at 09:49, Gianni Ambrosio <g.ambrosio+osg at gmail.com> wrote:

> I verified the clear() call has been added to EventQueue::setStartTick()
> method in OSG 3.1.1. Who did that can explain me please why it was
> required? Is there a way to move a clear() call outside the method to
> prevent the regression from OSG 3.1.1 onwards?

It's quite a while back, but I have recall having to address bugs with
event time stamps getting out of sync in certain circumstances.  As whether
you are seeing a regression in osgOGA or a fix to osgGA exposing a bug in
osgWidget I can't say.

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