[osg-users] Mac OSX code signing and osgPlugins dir

Alistair Baxter alistair at mve.com
Thu Apr 7 09:06:17 PDT 2016

Initial experiments suggest renaming the original plugin dir and creating a symlink with the name with periods in may work.

From: osg-users [mailto:osg-users-bounces at lists.openscenegraph.org] On Behalf Of Alistair Baxter
Sent: 07 April 2016 16:46
To: osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org
Subject: [osg-users] Mac OSX code signing and osgPlugins dir

When building our application for mac, and trying to run the code signing tool, it is currently choking on the name of the plugin directory within the app bundle.

It would seem that it objects to the period characters (i.e. full stops)  in Contents/Plugins/osgPlugins-3.4.0 . If I change it to osgPlugins-340, it signs happily. I'm not sure why it's complaining now, since it was OK before. I think it may be because we have moved to OSX 10.9 as a minimum build environment, since signing appears to have changed a bit with that release, according to the Mac developer website.

Looking through the code, it seems like this directory name is hard-wired into quite a few places, so it would be a pain to unpick. Does anybody have experience of this issue or a suggestion of how to get past it?
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