[osg-users] OSG 3.4.0 Mac library problem

Alistair Baxter alistair at mve.com
Tue Sep 22 05:07:24 PDT 2015

I am having some trouble after rebuilding various thirdparty dependencies for our Mac product, including OpenSceneGraph. We are using Clang 6.1 and targeting OSX 10.9, although my Mac is running 10.10.

The application builds, but when it runs, I get a popup dialog with this message:

Dyld Error Message:
  Library not loaded: libosgUI.130.dylib
  Referenced from: /Users/Shared/MVE/Move2016_CLANG6.1_10.9/Release/lib/libosgPresentation.130.dylib
  Reason: image not found

I am not sure what it going wrong, because OpenSceneGraph appears to build and install to the directory in which libosgPresentation.130.dylib is located perfectly well. I notice that there is no path given for libosgUI.130.dylib , so that's a concern, especially since if I temporarily delete libosgPresentation.130.dylib, it does give me a full path for the missing file.

What also bothers me, is that our application is not even using osgPresentation or osgUI. I can find no reference to them in our entire project source. On Windows, we can simply delete those DLLs and it runs fine. I suppose this is something to do with CMAKE?

In any case, I am stumped as for how to proceed, so if anyone has any advice, that would be greatly appreciated.

Alistair Baxter
Software Engineer

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