[osg-users] OcclusionQueryNode iOS Crash

Alessandro Terenzi a.terenzi at gmail.com
Sat Sep 19 01:21:17 PDT 2015

I'm trying to use the OcclusionQueryNode to check if a model (loaded from a file) is visible or not, but as soon as the app starts I get some warnings:

Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid enumerant' at Before Renderer::compile
Warning: PolygonMode::apply(State&) - is not supported.
Warning: PolygonMode::apply(State&) - is not supported.
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid operation' at after RenderBin::draw(..)

the first frame is actually drawn (and the loaded model is also displayed correctly) but the app crashes with this message: 

error: memory read failed for 0x0

I'm using OSG 3.4.0 on iOS (8.4.1). Built with OpenGLES 1.0 support. FYI, I'm just adding the OcclusionQueryNode to a group and then I add a subgraph (where there's the loaded model) to the OcclusionQueryNode itself. Moreover regardless if I enable or not the occlusion node (by means of setQueriesEnabled(bool)) the app crashes in any case.

Do you know if OcclusionQueryNode has some problems on iOS? Any suggestion?

Thank you.

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