[osg-users] Accessing georegistered images via GDAL plug-in - too many limitations...

Christian Buchner christian.buchner at gmail.com
Tue Sep 8 07:12:39 PDT 2015


while height fields loaded via the GDAL plug-in get their coordinate origin
and x/y extents as well as rotation set correctly via the following code in

hf->setXInterval(sqrt(geoTransform[1]*geoTransform[1] +
hf->setYInterval(sqrt(geoTransform[4]*geoTransform[4] +
hf->setRotation(osg::Quat(rotation, osg::Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)));

there appears to be no comparable facility to the GDAL plugin's image
loader. All that will be returned is an osg::Image without any geo
referencing data - if I understand the code correctly.

I would propose that we set named properties like Origin, XInterval,
YInterval, Rotation using the  osg::Object->setUserValue()
member function as osg::Vec2 objects.

Also it would appear that the GDALDataset (which is a derived class of
osgTerrain::Layer) is not accessible to the caller (user) of the GDAL
plug-in. It would be nice if there was a facility to somehow access this
dataset ptr through an API - as this object contains all the georeferencing
information equired to slap this piece of data onto an OSGTerrain::Terrain

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