[osg-users] OSG and NVX_gpu_memory_info

Garth D garthy_gso at entropicsoftware.com
Wed Sep 30 19:00:58 PDT 2015

Hi all,

On 01/10/15 10:12, Garth D wrote:
> If I had to guess, I am doing something in my project at some point
> after the setRealizeOperation operation is called that causes it to fail
> by the time it gets around to the first call to the callback set by
> setInitialDrawCallback() in the Camera.

... and solved.

There was an unfortunate interaction between the threading system in my 
project and the one used in OSG. The particular interaction is something 
I have not seen before, and did not think was possible. The bug will be 
somewhere in my project code.

As a test, I put a Camera::DrawCallback in a small piece of code fully 
isolated from the threading in the rest of my project doing nothing but 
dumping the reported values. I then attached it with 
setInitialDrawCallback() in a similar, isolated piece of code. It worked 

Thanks again Robert for pointing me in the right direction. Being able 
to concentrate on just two established working approaches made finding 
the actual bug feasible.


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