[osg-users] osgAndroid - Deploying and Debugging

Rafa Gaitan rafa.gaitan at gmail.com
Mon Sep 28 02:08:26 PDT 2015

Hi Shamim,

I added glustl_shared to be loaded dynamically before loading any
osgAndroid jni library, because linking it statically was giving a lot of

I don't recall having problems before, but I usually work on linux or mac
when I have to develop in android and OSG. Maybe is something related to
the r10e NDK?.

Anyway, could you check if you have in your
org.openscenegraph.android/libs/armeabi/ the library libgnustd_shared.so?,
if not, probably you need to copy it there from the NDK.

I don't recall if I copied it by myself that or it's automated somehow by
the NDK build system. But if you have it there along the libjni-osggles*.so
libraries it will be deployed within the apk.


El lun., 28 sept. 2015 a las 9:34, Akhtar Shamim (<shamimz at gmail.com>)

> Hi
> Recently we had a requirement to build OSG for Android and load a
> OpenFlight MetaFight file. This is what I did:
> - Checkout the 3.4.0 stable release of OSG
> - Installed Android NDK, SDK and Eclipse.
> - Used the toolchain to compile OSG for GLES1
> - Downloaded OSGAndroid from GitHub
> - Imported to Eclipse
> - Build all the four projects
> So far there is no problem at all. Everything went smooth.
> However, when I am trying to deploy the osgsimple application using
> eclipse or trying to debug the application it throws an error saying:
> "Couldn't load gnustl_shared from loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader".
> This is what I did:
> - Modified Android.mk to have the correct OSG_SDK path
> - Modified Android.mk to have the correct plugins (osgPlugins-3.4.0)
> Note:
> (a) No other changes made to any files downloaded from GitHub for
> osgAndroid.
> (b) The command used to configure cmake is <<<
> > set ANDROID_NDK=C:\Android\android-ndk-r10e
> > "c:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\bin\cmake.exe" .. -G"MinGW Makefiles"
> -DANDROID_NDK=C:/Android/android-ndk-r10e
> -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../PlatformSpecifics/Android/android.toolchain.cmake
> -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM="%ANDROID_NDK%\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\bin\make.exe"
> > make  -j 8
> > make install
> >>>>
> I tried the above in Windows 10.
> Any help to get this resolved will be greatly appreciated.
> regards
> Shamim
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