[osg-users] Help: Is there an osg example with ray tracing?

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 00:47:15 PDT 2015

On 16 September 2015 at 06:16, Tony Vasile <minghia at gmail.com> wrote:

> S2LR wrote:
> > Shuiying,
> >
> > I would start by looking at the "osgintersection" example, in
> > particular, the LineSegmentIntersector to see if that will help you.
> >
> > -Shayne
> >
> >
> So what do you get from the output of "osgintersection"? For example if I
> run "osgintersection cow.osg" I get:
> Intersection
> Computing LineOfSight
> Completed in 0.096953
>   point 0.776125 0.815986 0
>   point 0.776125 -1.683 0
>   point 0.839681 0.791811 0
>   point 0.839681 -1.65035 0
>   point 0.903236 0.767635 0
>   point 0.903236 -1.63128 0
>   point 0.966792 0.74346 0
> So what are the points?
It's the osgintersection example so... Could they be the intersections

Go have a look at the code, and the headers.

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