[osg-users] Seeking advice: Efficient method for large grid rendering (terrain) with unique state per grid square

Chris Hanson xenon at alphapixel.com
Thu Sep 10 13:04:11 PDT 2015

I think it's sometimes useful to step back and ask what the problem is
you're trying to solve.

Many times people pose questions like "Why can't I get hummingbirds to
carry machine guns?" where they have already self-selected a strategy
(hummingbirds) as an implementation requirement, thus making the Venn
diagrams of what is desired and what is possible no longer meet, or meet in
an undesirably small overlap. Often when we ask things about the larger
problem like "what are you trying to do?" we learn that hummingbirds aren't
really a requirement and that a wider view that includes Blackhawk
helicopters and Spectre gunships actually solve the problem better.

I understand the requirements you've self-set in this question, but we
would like to consider if they're really the best way to approach your
problem, or if understanding the real goal would suggest more optimal
solutions you haven't considered.
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