[osg-users] Oculus+OSG

Björn Blissing bjorn.blissing at vti.se
Tue Sep 8 07:26:00 PDT 2015

Jan Ciger wrote:
> Oh careful there.

Not my words, I was only quoting the author of the videos.

Jan Ciger wrote:
> What he is actually showing is the effect of the asynchronous timewarp - if you can't hit the framerate, you reproject/warp the previous frame. That's a fairly new thing which required the driver support - you need to preempt the current rendering command stream if you aren't going to hit the target and re-project the old frame.
> The original idea of timewarping was to reduce the apparent tracking latency by warping the rendered image to match the tracking data late in the frame. That is what I was referring to - I doubt the latency reduction in the case of positional tracking is worth the effort, because the tracker is running at a comparable/same speed as your application.

In the "Oculus Rift Developer Guide" you will not find a word about asynchronous time warp. They are only saying that the compositing framework is handling distortion, timewarp, and GPU synchronization, whatever that incurs... 

I don't know if this means that Oculus currently are doing pure "original timewarp", pure "asynchronous timewarp" or a combination of the two (since its all happening inside the closed source part of the Oculus SDK). But the feature shown in the videos is currently available.


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