[osg-users] Oculus+OSG

Björn Blissing bjorn.blissing at vti.se
Wed Sep 2 13:27:33 PDT 2015

cbuchner1 wrote:
> Trying to build the current osgoculus master branch against Oculus SDK using OSG 3.2.1
> the following code from oculusdevice.cpp is making trouble. For OSG 3.2  the variable "ctx" is undefined.
> void OculusTextureBuffer::setRenderSurface(const osg::State& state)
> {
>     const osg::GLExtensions* fbo_ext = state.get<osg::GLExtensions>();
> #else
>     const osg::FBOExtensions* fbo_ext = osg::FBOExtensions::instance(ctx, true);
> #endif
> ...
> void OculusDepthBuffer::setRenderSurface(const osg::State& state)
> {
>     const osg::GLExtensions* fbo_ext = state.get<osg::GLExtensions>();
> #else
>     const osg::FBOExtensions* fbo_ext = osg::FBOExtensions::instance(ctx, true);
> #endif
> ...

cbuchner1 wrote:
> A followup: inserting the following line into both #else branches fixes it
> const unsigned int ctx = state.getContextID();

Ah, the woes of trying to have support for multiple OSG version at the same time. I did some refactoring yesterday and this bug obviously slipped through without being tested. Sorry about that. 

Another user already submitted a pull request with a fix, which is merged.

Best regards

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