[osg-users] Oculus+OSG

Christian Buchner christian.buchner at gmail.com
Tue Sep 1 05:57:21 PDT 2015

In this case I am using a slightly modified DirectShow OSG plug-in, running
the osgviewer in single threaded mode. The plug-in provides an
osg::ImageStream and updates a texture that is displayed in the OSG scene.
The camera is an USB 3.0 model, and I would expect it to be one of the
fastest "web cams" out there.

I am hoping that OpenGL applications also benefit from the low level driver
support created for the Oculus and similar VR devices.


2015-09-01 12:48 GMT+02:00 Björn Blissing <bjorn.blissing at vti.se>:

> cbuchner1 wrote:
> > Can you make any statements regarding latency improvements upgrading
> from the 0.6 SDK to 0.7 for osgoculusviewer based applications?
> Hi Christian,
> I have not had time to do any measurements regarding latency differences
> between 0.6 and 0.7 yet. Sorry.
> cbuchner1 wrote:
> > Our current use case is currently, attaching an Intel RealSense camera
> to the front of the Oculus DK2 and streaming a live image into the viewer's
> eyes. Our latency is currently in the area of about 3-4 video frames @75
> Hz, amounting to 40-50 ms. This is a bit too high and causes some motion
> sickness and slow reactions in our unfortunate test persons. ;)
> Are you talking about pure rendering latency (motion to photon) or the
> camera to HMD latency (photon to photon)?
> If you are talking about the latter 40-50 is quite good I would say. And
> as Jan says, the camera is probably the limiting factor in that case.
> Another problem can be if you run the camera capture in the same thread as
> the rest of the rendering. Moving the camera capture to an own thread gave
> me a great performance boost, but results in the cameras running
> asynchronous with the rendering. This in turn can gives a larger variance
> in latency.
> Best regards
> Björn
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=64975#64975
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