[osg-users] Oculus+OSG

Jan Ciger jan.ciger at gmail.com
Tue Sep 1 02:52:06 PDT 2015

On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 11:15 AM, Christian Buchner
<christian.buchner at gmail.com> wrote:
> Can you make any statements regarding latency improvements upgrading from
> the 0.6 SDK to 0.7 for osgoculusviewer based applications?
> Our current use case is currently, attaching an Intel RealSense camera to
> the front of the Oculus DK2 and streaming a live image into the viewer's
> eyes. Our latency is currently in the area of about 3-4 video frames @75 Hz,
> amounting to 40-50 ms. This is a bit too high and causes some motion
> sickness and slow reactions in our unfortunate test persons. ;)
> Christian

I haven't tried the latest Oculus SDK, but the problem you are
describing is most likely due to your implementation of the video
streaming than the Oculus SDK. I doubt they would release code that is
THAT broken, especially when they go to the trouble of having custom
functionality built into the Nvidia driver to squeeze down the latency
even more.

How much latency has the RealSense camera itself?


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